Template:Cite ssl/doc

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< Template:Cite ssl
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This template creates a {{cite web}} citation to individual pages at SeaSide Lights, a useful reference site on the Lighthouses of Australia.


  • There are three mandatory unnamed parameter.
  1. the postal abbreviation of the state name, e.g. TAS or NT, capitalized
  2. the lighthouse name abbreviation used in the url
  3. title

For example, the Cumberland Light page url is http://www.seasidelights.com.au/au/tas/cumberland.asp?fState=Tas. The parameters are

  1. TAS
  2. cumberland
  3. Cumberland Light

The full citation is

{{cite ssl|TAS|cumberland|Cumberland Light}} resulting in:

Searle, Garry. "Cumberland Light". Lighthouses of Tasmania. SeaSide Lights.

  • In addition, access date can be specified using the access-date fields.
  • Error checking is done only on the state, thus using {{cite ssl|NC|hatteras|Cape Hatteras Light}} will result in an error:

Searle, Garry. "Cape Hatteras Light". Lighthouses of Error: invalid index page when using {{cite ssl}}. SeaSide Lights.

However, using a non-existing page results in a link to a non-existing page, thus using {{cite ssl|NT|capedon|Cape Don}} results in:

Searle, Garry. "Cape Don". Lighthouses of Northern Territory. SeaSide Lights.

More examples

{{cite ssl|QLD|caloundraold|Caloundra Head - Old}}

Searle, Garry. "Caloundra Head - Old". Lighthouses of Queensland. SeaSide Lights.

{{cite ssl|SA|capespencer|Cape Spencer|acces-sdate=August 3, 2010}}

Searle, Garry. "Cape Spencer". Lighthouses of South Australia. SeaSide Lights. Retrieved August 3, 2010.

Harvard style referencing

This template provides a simple Harvard style reference, using {{sfn|Searle}} or {{harvnb|Searle}}, as appropriate. However, year referencing is not supported at this time.