Template:Cite VHD/doc

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< Template:Cite VHD
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This template creates a {{cite web}} citation to Victorian Heritage Register and Victorian Heritage Inventory sites on the Victorian Heritage Database, a searchable reference source on the heritage places of Victoria, Australia.

{{cite VHD
  | "database id"
  | "title"
  | hr = "Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) Number (optional)"
  | ho = "Heritage Overlay number (optional)"
  | ho2 = "Second Heritage Overlay number (optional)"
  | hi = "Heritage Inventory number (optional)"
  | access-date = 2025-03-18

There is no error checking. Specifying an incorrect ID will result in a link to a non-existing record.

Mandatory Parameters

There are two mandatory unnamed parameters

  1. Place ID number. It is found at the end of the URL.
  2. A title. If empty it defaults to BASEPAGENAME.


For example, the Former Convent of the Good Shepherd record can be referenced using

{{cite VHD|1|Former Convent of the Good Shepherd}}

resulting in:

"Former Convent of the Good Shepherd". Victorian Heritage Database. Heritage Victoria.

Optional Parameters

The optional parameters are:

  • The Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) Number can be specified using the optional hr field (omit the "H", using only the number; the template will add the "H" for you)
  • A Heritage Overlay number, if any, can be specified using the optional ho field (omit the "HO", using only the number; the template will add the "HO" for you)
  • A second Heritage Overlay number can be specified using the optional ho2 field
  • A Heritage Inventory number, if any, can be specified using the optional hi field
  • In addition, the access date can be specified using the access-date fields.


{{cite VHD|1|Former Convent of the Good Shepherd|hr=0951}}

resulting in:

"Former Convent of the Good Shepherd, Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) Number H0951". Victorian Heritage Database. Heritage Victoria.

{{cite VHD|1|Former Convent of the Good Shepherd|hr=0951|ho=9}}

resulting in:

"Former Convent of the Good Shepherd, Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) Number H0951, Heritage Overlay HO9". Victorian Heritage Database. Heritage Victoria.

More examples

Use of access-date field:

{{cite VHD|99|London Tavern|access-date=2011-03-27}}


"London Tavern". Victorian Heritage Database. Heritage Victoria. Retrieved 2011-03-27.

Use of ho2 field:

{{cite VHD|2|Dights Mill site|hr=1522|ho=48|ho2=488}}


"Dights Mill site, Victorian Heritage Register (VHR) Number H1522, Heritage Overlay HO48,HO488". Victorian Heritage Database. Heritage Victoria.

Use of hi field:

{{cite VHD|10591|Big and Little Peninsula Tunnels|hi=8022-0044}}


"Big and Little Peninsula Tunnels, Victorian Heritage Inventory Number H8022-0044". Victorian Heritage Database. Heritage Victoria.

Harvard style referencing

This template provides a simple Harvard style reference, using VHD followed by the ID number. For example, to reference the London Tavern use {{sfn|VHD99}} or {{harvnb|VHD99}}, as appropriate. However, year referencing is not supported at this time.

See also