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From Heimat Adelaide, the encyclopedia of Germans in the City of Adelaide
Revision as of 09:45, 12 October 2021 by Zoran (talk | contribs) (Test)
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Welcome to Heimat Adelaide

This is the publication site of the Heimat Adelaide Project. The Project aims to record all instances of German speakers living or working in the City of Adelaide, South Australia, between the years of 1836 and 1920. This is a work in progress. As more information comes to light, pages will be updated.

Within the Wiki are pages for each individual (whether male or female, adult or child), families where multiple members were associated with Adelaide, businesses that were owned or managed by Germans, churches where German was the language of worship, schools where teachers were German, and organisations that were set up predominantly to service the German speaking community. Testing visual editor.

Project Background

See also Project Background and Methodology

Driven by a personal connection of two German ancestors living and dying in the City of Adelaide, this project grew from personal research of Benjamin Hollister and a desire to present a visual illustration of the German community in the City of Adelaide, as well as to capture narratives developed for a range of guided tours in the city.


There are a number of ways of searching and browsing the pages in the Wiki.

  1. Enter a word in the search box at the top right of the page will return all pages with that term.
  2. Clicking the Random Page link below the Heimat Adelaide Logo to the left will go to a random page.

For a list of individuals, click here, use the search box to search a name.

Animated Timeline Map

Below is an animated map showing where German speakers are recorded as living and working during this period. You can run the animation that shows the changes each year, pause or move between years, zoom in to specific areas, and click on points to get information about the person. From the Information pop-up, you can click through to the relevant Heimat Adelaide Wiki page.

Animated Map Instructions

Get Involved

Unlike other wiki sites, such as Wikipedia, user access is by invitation only (this is to protect the authors' copyright of the various pages). There are, however, a number of ways to be involved in the project:

  1. Submit a biography of an individual or a history of a business or organisation to The following rules must be followed:
  2. Help indexing Adelaide City Council Assessment Books at CSIndexing. Choose Adelaide, South Australia as the location, join the German-Australian Genealogy and History Alliance Indexing Group and choose a year to index.
  3. Submit a information about a German speaker 1836-1920 in the CIty of Adelaide. Or a photo of the person, their family or a building associated with them to