Module:Lang: Difference between revisions

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2,100 bytes added ,  18 January 2022
m (1 revision imported)
en>Trappist the monk
Line 25: Line 25:
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace; -- used for categorization
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace; -- used for categorization

local this_wiki_lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code; -- get this wiki's language
local content_lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage();
local this_wiki_lang_tag = content_lang.code; -- get this wiki's language tag
local this_wiki_lang_dir = content_lang:getDir(); -- get this wiki's language direction

local initial_style_state; -- set by lang_xx_normal() and lang_xx_italic()
local initial_style_state; -- set by lang_xx_normal() and lang_xx_italic()
Line 419: Line 421:
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'[', args.text or 'undefined', '] '})); -- for error messages output args.text if available
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'[', args.text or 'undefined', '] '})); -- for error messages output args.text if available
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-size: 100%; font-style: normal;\" class=\"error\">Error: {{', template, '}}: '}));
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'<span style=\"color:#d33\">Error: {{', template, '}}: '}));
table.insert (out, msg);
table.insert (out, msg);
table.insert (out, table.concat ({' ([[:Category:', category, ' template errors|help]])'}));
table.insert (out, table.concat ({' ([[:Category:', category, ' template errors|help]])'}));
table.insert (out, '</span>');
table.insert (out, '</span>');
if (0 == namespace or 10 == namespace) and not args.nocat then -- categorize in article space (and template space to take care of broken usages)
if (0 == namespace or 10 == namespace) and not args.nocat then -- categorize in article space (and template space to take care of broken usages)
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'[[Category:', category, ' template errors]]'}));
table.insert (out, table.concat ({'[[Category:', category, ' template errors]]'}));
Line 464: Line 466:
if text:find ('^\n[%*:;#]') then -- look for list markup; list markup must begin at start of text
if text:find ('^\n[%*:;#]') then -- look for list markup; list markup must begin at start of text
if 'italic' == style then
if 'italic' == style then
return mw.ustring.gsub (text, '(\n[%*:;#]+)([^\n]+)', '%1<i>%2</i>'); -- insert italic markup at each list item
return text:gsub ('(\n[%*:;#]+)([^\n]+)', '%1<i>%2</i>'); -- insert italic markup at each list item
return text;
return text;
Line 482: Line 484:

return text;
return text;
--[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ W R A P P E R _ M A K E >------------------------------------------
makes a <span title="<title text>"><content_text></span> or <div title="<title text>"><content_text></div> where
<title text> is in the tool-tip in the wiki's local language and <content_text> is non-local-language text in
html markup.  This because the lang= attibute applies to the content of its enclosing tag.
<tag> holds a string 'div' or 'span' used to choose the correct wrapping tag
local function title_wrapper_make (title_text, content_text, tag)
local wrapper_t = {};
table.insert (wrapper_t, table.concat ({'<', tag})); -- open opening wrapper tag
table.insert (wrapper_t, ' title=\"'); -- begin title attribute
table.insert (wrapper_t, title_text); -- add <title_text>
table.insert (wrapper_t, '\">'); -- end title attribute and close opening wrapper tag
table.insert (wrapper_t, content_text); -- add <content_text>
table.insert (wrapper_t, table.concat ({'</', tag, '>'})); -- add closing wrapper tag
return table.concat (wrapper_t); -- make a big string and done

Line 489: Line 514:
Add the html markup to text according to the type of content that it is: <span> or <i> tags for inline content or
Add the html markup to text according to the type of content that it is: <span> or <i> tags for inline content or
<div> tags for block content
<div> tags for block content
The lang= attribute also applies to the content of the tag where it is placed so this is wrong because 'Spanish
language text' is English:
<i lang="es" title="Spanish language text">casa</i>
should be:
<span title="Spanish language text"><i lang="es">casa</i></span>
or for <div>...</div>:
<div title="Spanish language text"><div lang="es"><spanish-language-text></div></div>


local function make_text_html (code, text, tag, rtl, style, size, language)
local function make_text_html (code, text, tag, rtl, style, size, language)
local html = {};
local html_t = {};
local style_added = '';
local style_added = '';
local wrapper_tag = tag; -- <tag> gets modified so save a copy for use when/if we create a wrapper span or div

if text:match ('^%*') then
if text:match ('^%*') then
table.insert (html, '&#42;'); -- move proto language text prefix outside of italic markup if any; use numeric entity because plain splat confuses MediaWiki
table.insert (html_t, '&#42;'); -- move proto language text prefix outside of italic markup if any; use numeric entity because plain splat confuses MediaWiki
text = text:gsub ('^%*', ''); -- remove the splat from the text
text = text:gsub ('^%*', ''); -- remove the splat from the text
Line 509: Line 543:

table.insert (html, table.concat ({'<', tag})); -- open the <i>, <span>, or <div> html tag
table.insert (html_t, table.concat ({'<', tag})); -- open the <i>, <span>, or <div> html tag
code = code:gsub ('%-x%-.*', ''); -- strip private use subtag from code tag because meaningless outside of wikipedia
code = code:gsub ('%-x%-.*', ''); -- strip private use subtag from code tag because meaningless outside of wikipedia
table.insert (html, table.concat ({' lang="', code, '\"'})); -- add language attribute
table.insert (html_t, table.concat ({' lang="', code, '\"'})); -- add language attribute

if rtl or unicode.is_rtl(text) then
if (rtl or unicode.is_rtl(text)) and ('ltr' == this_wiki_lang_dir) then -- text is right-to-left on a left-to-right wiki
table.insert (html, ' dir="rtl"'); -- add direction attribute for right to left languages
table.insert (html_t, ' dir="rtl"'); -- add direction attribute for right-to-left languages
elseif not (rtl or unicode.is_rtl(text)) and ('rtl' == this_wiki_lang_dir) then -- text is left-to-right on a right-to-left wiki
table.insert (html_t, ' dir="ltr"'); -- add direction attribute for left-to-right languages

if 'normal' == style then -- when |italic=no
if 'normal' == style then -- when |italic=no
table.insert (html, ' style=\"font-style: normal;'); -- override external markup, if any
table.insert (html_t, ' style=\"font-style: normal;'); -- override external markup, if any
style_added = '\"'; -- remember that style attribute added and is not yet closed
style_added = '\"'; -- remember that style attribute added and is not yet closed
Line 524: Line 560:
if is_set (size) then -- when |size=<something>
if is_set (size) then -- when |size=<something>
if is_set (style_added) then
if is_set (style_added) then
table.insert (html, table.concat ({' font-size: ', size, ';'})); -- add when style attribute already inserted
table.insert (html_t, table.concat ({' font-size: ', size, ';'})); -- add when style attribute already inserted
table.insert (html, table.concat ({' style=\"font-size: ', size, ';'})); -- create style attribute
table.insert (html_t, table.concat ({' style=\"font-size: ', size, ';'})); -- create style attribute
style_added = '\"'; -- remember that style attribute added and is not yet closed
style_added = '\"'; -- remember that style attribute added and is not yet closed

if is_set (language) then
table.insert (html_t, table.concat ({style_added, '>'})); -- close the opening html tag
table.insert (html, table.concat ({style_added, ' title=\"', language})); --start the title text
table.insert (html_t, text); -- insert the text
if language:find ('languages') then
table.insert (html, ' collective text'); -- for collective languages
table.insert (html_t, table.concat ({'</', tag, '>'})); -- close the 'text' <i>, <span>, or <div> html tag
table.insert (html, '-language text'); -- for individual languages
table.insert (html, '\">'); -- close the opening html tag
table.insert (html, table.concat ({style_added, '>'})); -- close the style attribute and close opening html tag
table.insert (html, text); -- insert the text

table.insert (html, table.concat ({'</', tag, '>'})); -- close the <i>, <span>, or <div> html tag
if is_set (language) then -- create a <title_text> string for the title= attribute in a wrapper span or div
local title_text;
if 'zxx' == code then -- special case for this tag 'no linguistic content'
title_text = table.concat ({language, ' text'}); -- not a language so don't use 'language' in title text
elseif mw.ustring.find (language, 'languages', 1, true) then
title_text = table.concat ({language, ' collective text'}); -- for collective languages
title_text = table.concat ({language, '-language text'}); -- for individual languages

if rtl then -- legacy; shouldn't be necessary because all of the rtl text is wrapped inside an html tag with dir="rtl" attribute
return title_wrapper_make (title_text, table.concat (html_t), wrapper_tag);
table.insert (html, '&lrm;'); -- make sure the browser knows that we're at the end of the rtl
return table.concat (html_t);
return table.concat (html); -- put it all together and done

Line 574: Line 610:

if language_name:find ('languages') then
if mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then
return table.concat ({'[[Category:Articles with text in ', language_name, ']]'});
return table.concat ({'[[Category:Articles with text in ', language_name, ']]'});
Line 580: Line 616:
table.insert (cat, '[[Category:Articles containing ');
table.insert (cat, '[[Category:Articles containing ');

if 'en' == code then
if this_wiki_lang_tag == code then
table.insert (cat, 'explicitly cited ' .. language_name); -- falls back to English if regional name not available
table.insert (cat, 'explicitly cited ' .. language_name); -- unique category name for the local language
table.insert (cat, language_name);
table.insert (cat, language_name);
Line 612: Line 648:
local function make_translit (code, language_name, translit, std, tscript, style)
local function make_translit (code, language_name, translit, std, tscript, style)
local title;
local title;
local tout = {};
local out_t = {};
local title_table = lang_data.translit_title_table; -- table of transliteration standards and the language codes and scripts that apply to those standards
local title_t = lang_data.translit_title_table; -- table of transliteration standards and the language codes and scripts that apply to those standards
local title_text = ''; -- tool tip text for title= attribute
if is_set (code) then -- when a language code is provided (always with {{lang-xx}} templates, not always with {{transl}})
if not style then -- nil for the default italic style
table.insert (tout, "<i lang=\""); -- so use <i> tag
table.insert (tout, table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-style: ', style, '\" lang=\"'})); -- non-standard style, construct a span tag for it
table.insert (tout, code);
table.insert (tout, "-Latn\" title=\""); -- transliterations are always Latin script
table.insert (tout, "<span title=\""); -- when no language code: no lang= attribute, not italic ({{transl}} only)
std = std and std:lower(); -- lower case for table indexing
std = std and std:lower(); -- lower case for table indexing
if not is_set (std) and not is_set (tscript) then -- when neither standard nor script specified
if not is_set (std) and not is_set (tscript) then -- when neither standard nor script specified
table.insert (tout, language_name); -- write a generic tool tip
title_text = language_name; -- write a generic tool tip
if not language_name:find ('languages') then -- collective language names (plural 'languages' is part of the name)
if not mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then -- collective language names (plural 'languages' is part of the name)
table.insert (tout, '-language') -- skip this text (individual and macro languages only)
title_text = title_text .. '-language'; -- skip this text (individual and macro languages only)
table.insert (tout, ' romanization'); -- finish the tool tip; use romanization when neither script nor standard supplied
title_text = title_text .. ' romanization'; -- finish the tool tip; use romanization when neither script nor standard supplied
elseif is_set (std) and is_set (tscript) then -- when both are specified
elseif is_set (std) and is_set (tscript) then -- when both are specified
if title_table[std] then -- and if standard is legitimate
if title_t[std] then -- and if standard is legitimate
if title_table[std][tscript] then -- and if script for that standard is legitimate
if title_t[std][tscript] then -- and if script for that standard is legitimate
table.insert (tout, table.concat ({title_table[std][tscript:lower()], ' (', script_table[tscript][1], ' script) transliteration'})); -- add the appropriate text to the tool tip
if script_table[tscript] then
title_text = title_text .. table.concat ({title_t[std][tscript:lower()], ' (', script_table[tscript], ' script) transliteration'}); -- add the appropriate text to the tool tip
title_text = title_text .. title_t[std]['default']; -- use the default if script not in std table; TODO: maint cat? error message because script not found for this standard?
table.insert (tout, title_table[std]['default']); -- use the default if script not in std table; TODO: maint cat? error message because script not found for this standard?
title_text = title_text .. title_t[std]['default']; -- use the default if script not in std table; TODO: maint cat? error message because script not found for this standard?
Line 647: Line 677:

elseif is_set (std) then -- translit-script not set, use language code
elseif is_set (std) then -- translit-script not set, use language code
if not title_table[std] then return ''; end -- invalid standard, setup for error message
if not title_t[std] then return ''; end -- invalid standard, setup for error message
if title_table[std][code] then -- if language code is in the table (transl may not provide a language code)
if title_t[std][code] then -- if language code is in the table (transl may not provide a language code)
-- table.insert (tout, table.concat ({title_table[std][code:lower()], ' (', lang_table[code][1], ' language) transliteration'})); -- add the appropriate text to the tool tip
title_text = title_text .. table.concat ({title_t[std][code:lower()], ' (', language_name, ' language) transliteration'}); -- add the appropriate text to the tool tip
table.insert (tout, table.concat ({title_table[std][code:lower()], ' (', language_name, ' language) transliteration'})); -- add the appropriate text to the tool tip
else -- code doesn't match
else -- code doesn't match
table.insert (tout, title_table[std]['default']); -- so use the standard's default
title_text = title_text .. title_t[std]['default']; -- so use the standard's default
else -- here if translit-script set but translit-std not set
else -- here if translit-script set but translit-std not set
if title_table['no_std'][tscript] then
if title_t['no_std'][tscript] then
table.insert (tout, title_table['no_std'][tscript]); -- use translit-script if set
title_text = title_text .. title_t['no_std'][tscript]; -- use translit-script if set
elseif title_table['no_std'][code] then
elseif title_t['no_std'][code] then
table.insert (tout, title_table['no_std'][code]); -- use language code
title_text = title_text .. title_t['no_std'][code]; -- use language code
if is_set (tscript) then
if is_set (tscript) then
table.insert (tout, table.concat ({language_name, '-script transliteration'})); -- write a script tool tip
title_text = title_text .. table.concat ({language_name, '-script transliteration'}); -- write a script tool tip
elseif is_set (code) then
elseif is_set (code) then
if not language_name:find ('languages') then -- collective language names (plural 'languages' is part of the name)
if not mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then -- collective language names (plural 'languages' is part of the name)
table.insert (tout, '-language') -- skip this text (individual and macro languages only)
title_text = title_text .. '-language'; -- skip this text (individual and macro languages only)
table.insert (tout, ' transliteration'); -- finish the tool tip
title_text = title_text .. ' transliteration'; -- finish the tool tip
table.insert (tout, ' transliteration'); -- generic tool tip (can we ever get here?)
title_text = title_text .. ' transliteration'; -- generic tool tip (can we ever get here?)

table.insert (tout, '">');
local close_tag;
table.insert (tout, translit);
if is_set (code) then -- when a language code is provided (always with {{lang-xx}} templates, not always with {{transl}})
if is_set (code) and not style then -- when a language code is provided (always with {{lang-xx}} templates, not always with {{transl}})
if not style then -- nil for the default italic style
table.insert (tout, "</i>"); -- close the italic tag
table.insert (out_t, "<i lang=\""); -- so use <i> tag
close_tag = '</i>'; -- tag to be used when closing
table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-style: ', style, '\" lang=\"'})); -- non-standard style, construct a span tag for it
close_tag = '</span>'; -- tag to be used when closing
table.insert (out_t, code);
table.insert (out_t, "-Latn\">"); -- transliterations are always Latin script
table.insert (tout, "</span>"); -- no language code so close the span tag
table.insert (out_t, "<span>"); -- when no language code: no lang= attribute, not italic ({{transl}} only)
close_tag = '</span>';
table.insert (out_t, translit); -- add the translit text
table.insert (out_t, close_tag); -- and add the appropriate </i> or </span>
if '' == title_text then -- when there is no need for a tool-tip
return table.concat (out_t); -- make a string and done
return title_wrapper_make (title_text, table.concat (out_t), 'span'); -- wrap with a tool-tip span and don
return table.concat (tout);

Line 850: Line 896:
if override_table[ietf] then -- look for whole IETF tag in override table
if override_table[ietf] then -- look for whole IETF tag in override table
name = override_table[ietf][1];
name = override_table[ietf];
elseif override_table[code] then -- not there so try basic language code
elseif override_table[code] then -- not there so try basic language tag
name = override_table[code][1];
name = override_table[code];
elseif lang_table[code] then -- shift to iana code/name table
elseif lang_table[code] then -- shift to iana active tag/name table
name = lang_table[code][1]; -- table entries sometimes have multiple names, always take the first one
name = lang_table[code];
elseif lang_dep_table[code] then
elseif lang_dep_table[code] then -- try the iana deprecated tag/name table
-- if cat then
name = lang_dep_table[code];
-- table.insert (maint_cats, table.concat ({'Lang and lang-xx using deprecated ISO 639 codes|', code}));
-- table.insert (maint_msgs, table.concat ({'code: ', code, ' is deprecated'}));
-- end
name = lang_dep_table[code][1]; -- table entries sometimes have multiple names, always take the first one

Line 934: Line 976:
if nil == args.italic then -- nil when |italic= absent or not set or |italic=default; args.italic controls
if nil == args.italic then -- nil when |italic= absent or not set or |italic=default; args.italic controls
if ('latn' == subtags.script) or -- script is latn
if ('latn' == subtags.script) or -- script is latn
(this_wiki_lang ~= code and not is_set (subtags.script) and not has_poem_tag (args.text) and unicode.is_Latin (args.text)) then -- text not this wiki's language, no script specified and not in poem markup but is wholly latn script (auto-italics)
(this_wiki_lang_tag ~= code and not is_set (subtags.script) and not has_poem_tag (args.text) and unicode.is_Latin (args.text)) then -- text not this wiki's language, no script specified and not in poem markup but is wholly latn script (auto-italics)
args.italic = 'italic'; -- DEFAULT for {{lang}} templates is upright; but if latn script set for font-style:italic
args.italic = 'italic'; -- DEFAULT for {{lang}} templates is upright; but if latn script set for font-style:italic
Line 1,141: Line 1,183:
table.insert (out, language_name); -- language name without wikilink
table.insert (out, language_name); -- language name without wikilink
if language_name:find ('languages') then
if mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then
table.insert (out, make_wikilink (language_name)); -- collective language name uses simple wikilink
table.insert (out, make_wikilink (language_name)); -- collective language name uses simple wikilink
elseif lang_data.article_name[code] then
elseif lang_data.article_name[code] then
table.insert (out, make_wikilink (lang_data.article_name[code][1], language_name)); -- language name with wikilink from override data
table.insert (out, make_wikilink (lang_data.article_name[code], language_name)); -- language name with wikilink from override data
table.insert (out, make_wikilink (language_name .. ' language', language_name)); -- language name with wikilink
table.insert (out, make_wikilink (language_name .. ' language', language_name)); -- language name with wikilink
Line 1,165: Line 1,207:
table.insert (out, '<small>');
table.insert (out, '<small>');
if script_table[args['translit-script']] then -- when |translit-script= is set, try to use the script's name
if script_table[args['translit-script']] then -- when |translit-script= is set, try to use the script's name
translit_script_name = script_table[args['translit-script'][1]];
translit_script_name = script_table[args['translit-script']];
translit_script_name = language_name; -- fall back on language name
translit_script_name = language_name; -- fall back on language name
Line 1,354: Line 1,396:
if msg then
if msg then
local template = (args['template'] and table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '})) or ''; -- make template name (if provided by the template)
local template = (args['template'] and table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '})) or ''; -- make template name (if provided by the template)
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-size: 100%; font-style: normal;\" class=\"error\">Error: ', template, msg, '</span>'});
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"color:#d33\">Error: ', template, msg, '</span>'});

Line 1,363: Line 1,405:

if link then -- when |link=yes, wikilink the language name
if link then -- when |link=yes, wikilink the language name
if language_name:find ('languages') then
if mw.ustring.find (language_name, 'languages', 1, true) then
language_name = make_wikilink (language_name, label); -- collective language name uses simple wikilink
language_name = make_wikilink (language_name, label); -- collective language name uses simple wikilink
elseif lang_data.article_name[code] then
elseif lang_data.article_name[code] then
language_name = make_wikilink (lang_data.article_name[code][1], label or language_name); -- language name with wikilink from override data
language_name = make_wikilink (lang_data.article_name[code], label or language_name); -- language name with wikilink from override data
language_name = make_wikilink (language_name .. ' language', label or language_name); -- language name with wikilink
language_name = make_wikilink (language_name .. ' language', label or language_name); -- language name with wikilink
Line 1,418: Line 1,460:
template = table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '}); -- make template name (if provided by the template)
template = table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '}); -- make template name (if provided by the template)
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-size: 100%; font-style: normal;\" class=\"error\">Error: ', template, msg, '</span>'});
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"color:#d33\">Error: ', template, msg, '</span>'});

Line 1,470: Line 1,512:
args.text = args[2]; -- get the transliterated text
args.text = args[2]; -- get the transliterated text
if args[1] and args[1]:match ('^%a%a%a?%a?$') then -- args[2] missing; is args[1] a code or its it the transliterated text?
if args[1] and args[1]:match ('^%a%a%a?%a?$') then -- args[2] missing; is args[1] a code or is it the transliterated text?
return make_error_msg ('no text', args, 'Transl'); -- args[1] is a code so we're missing text
return make_error_msg ('no text', args, 'Transl'); -- args[1] is a code so we're missing text
Line 1,499: Line 1,541:

if override_table[args.code] then -- is code a language code defined in the override table?
if override_table[args.code] then -- is code a language code defined in the override table?
language_name = override_table[args.code][1];
language_name = override_table[args.code];
elseif lang_table[args.code] then -- is code a language code defined in the standard language code tables?
elseif lang_table[args.code] then -- is code a language code defined in the standard language code tables?
language_name = lang_table[args.code][1];
language_name = lang_table[args.code];
elseif lang_dep_table[args.code] then -- is code a language code defined in the deprecated language code tables?
elseif lang_dep_table[args.code] then -- is code a language code defined in the deprecated language code tables?
language_name = lang_dep_table[args.code][1];
language_name = lang_dep_table[args.code];
elseif script_table[args.code] then -- if here, code is not a language code; is it a script code?
elseif script_table[args.code] then -- if here, code is not a language code; is it a script code?
language_name = script_table[args.code][1];
language_name = script_table[args.code];
script = args.code; -- code was an ISO 15924 script so use that instead
script = args.code; -- code was an ISO 15924 script so use that instead
args.code = ''; -- unset because not a language code
args.code = ''; -- unset because not a language code
Line 1,537: Line 1,579:

local function _category_from_tag (args)
local function _category_from_tag (args_t)
local subtags = {}; -- IETF subtags script, region, variant, and private
local subtags = {}; -- IETF subtags script, region, variant, and private
local raw_code = args[1]; -- save a copy of the input IETF subtag
local raw_code = args_t[1]; -- save a copy of the input IETF subtag
local link = 'yes' == args['link']; -- make a boolean
local link = 'yes' ==; -- make a boolean
local label = args.label;
local label = args_t.label;
local code; -- the language code
local code; -- the language code
local msg; -- gets an error message if IETF language tag is malformed or invalid
local msg; -- gets an error message if IETF language tag is malformed or invalid
Line 1,548: Line 1,590:
code, subtags.script, subtags.region, subtags.variant, subtags.private, msg = get_ietf_parts (raw_code);
code, subtags.script, subtags.region, subtags.variant, subtags.private, msg = get_ietf_parts (raw_code);
if msg then
if msg then
local template = (args['template'] and table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '})) or ''; -- make template name (if provided by the template)
local template = (args_t.template and table.concat ({'{{', args_t.template, '}}: '})) or ''; -- make template name (if provided by the template)
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-size: 100%; font-style: normal;\" class=\"error\">Error: ', template, msg, '</span>'});
return table.concat ({'<span style=\"color:#d33\">Error: ', template, msg, '</span>'});

Line 1,556: Line 1,598:
category_name = make_category (code, category_name, nil, true):gsub ('[%[%]]', '');
category_name = make_category (code, category_name, nil, true):gsub ('[%[%]]', '');

return category_name;
if link then
return table.concat ({'[[:', category_name, ']]'});
return category_name;

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