Module:Lang/data: Difference between revisions

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m (1 revision imported)
en>Trappist the monk
m (+xsc-x-pontic;)
Line 118: Line 118:
------------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 - 1 >------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 - 1 >------------------------------------------------------------

["ab"] = "Abkhaz",                                                          -- to match article name
["ca-valencia"] = "Valencian",
["ca-valencia"] = "Valencian",
["cu"] = "Church Slavonic", -- 2nd IANA name;
["cu"] = "Church Slavonic", -- 2nd IANA name;
Line 138: Line 139:
["pt-br"] = "Brazilian Portuguese", -- match MediaWiki
["pt-br"] = "Brazilian Portuguese", -- match MediaWiki
["tw-asante"] = "Asante Twi",
["tw-asante"] = "Asante Twi",
["ug"] = "Uyghur", -- 2nd IANA name; to match article name

-- these ISO 639-1 language-name overrides imported from Module:Language/data/wp_languages
-- these ISO 639-1 language-name overrides imported from Module:Language/data/wp_languages
Line 175: Line 177:

["alv"] = "Atlantic–Congo languages", -- to match article title (endash)
["alv"] = "Atlantic–Congo languages", -- to match article title (endash)
["arc"] = "Aramaic", -- Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE), Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE);
["arc"] = "Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE)", -- Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE), Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE); to match article title uses ISO639-2 'preferred' name
["art"] = "constructed", -- to match article; lowercase for category name
["art"] = "constructed", -- to match article; lowercase for category name
["bhd"] = "Bhadarwahi", -- Bhadrawahi; to match article title
["bhd"] = "Bhadarwahi", -- Bhadrawahi; to match article title
Line 194: Line 196:
["ilo"] = "Ilocano", -- Iloko; to match article title
["ilo"] = "Ilocano", -- Iloko; to match article title
["jam"] = "Jamaican Patois", -- Jamaican Creole English
["jam"] = "Jamaican Patois", -- Jamaican Creole English
["lij-mc"] = "Monégasque", -- Ligurian as spoken in Monaco
["luo"] = "Dholuo", -- IANA (primary) /ISO 639-3: Luo (Kenya and Tanzania); IANA (secondary): Dholuo
["luo"] = "Dholuo", -- IANA (primary) /ISO 639-3: Luo (Kenya and Tanzania); IANA (secondary): Dholuo
["mhr"] = "Meadow Mari", -- Eastern Mari
["mhr"] = "Meadow Mari", -- Eastern Mari
Line 304: Line 307:
------------------------------< P R I V A T E _ U S E _ T A G S >----------------------------------------------
------------------------------< P R I V A T E _ U S E _ T A G S >----------------------------------------------

["akk-x-latbabyl"] = "Late Babylonian",
["akk-x-midassyr"] = "Middle Assyrian Akkadian",
["akk-x-midbabyl"] = "Middle Babylonian Akkadian",
["akk-x-neoassyr"] = "Neo-Assyrian Akkadian",
["akk-x-neobabyl"] = "Neo-Babylonian Akkadian",
["akk-x-old"] = "Old Akkadian",
["akk-x-oldassyr"] = "Old Assyrian Akkadian",
["akk-x-oldbabyl"] = "Old Babylonian Akkadian",
["alg-x-proto"] = "Proto-Algonquian", -- alg in IANA is Algonquian languages
["alg-x-proto"] = "Proto-Algonquian", -- alg in IANA is Algonquian languages
["ca-x-old"] = "Old Catalan",
["cel-x-proto"] = "Proto-Celtic", -- cel in IANA is Celtic languages
["cel-x-proto"] = "Proto-Celtic", -- cel in IANA is Celtic languages
["egy-x-demotic"] = "Demotic Egyptian",
["egy-x-late"] = "Late Egyptian",
["egy-x-middle"] = "Middle Egyptian",
["egy-x-old"] = "Old Egyptian",
["gem-x-proto"] = "Proto-Germanic", -- gem in IANA is Germanic languages
["gem-x-proto"] = "Proto-Germanic", -- gem in IANA is Germanic languages
["gmw-x-ecg"] = "East Central German",
["gmw-x-ecg"] = "East Central German",
Line 321: Line 337:
["grk-x-proto"] = "Proto-Greek", -- grk in IANA is Greek languages
["grk-x-proto"] = "Proto-Greek", -- grk in IANA is Greek languages
["iir-x-proto"] = "Proto-Indo-Iranian", -- iir in IANA is Indo-Iranian Languages
["iir-x-proto"] = "Proto-Indo-Iranian", -- iir in IANA is Indo-Iranian Languages
["inc-x-mitanni"] = "Mitanni-Aryan", -- inc in IANA is Indic languages
["inc-x-proto"] = "Proto-Indo-Aryan",
["ine-x-proto"] = "Proto-Indo-European",
["ine-x-proto"] = "Proto-Indo-European",
["ira-x-proto"] = "Proto-Iranian", -- ira in IANA is Iranian languages
["ira-x-proto"] = "Proto-Iranian", -- ira in IANA is Iranian languages
Line 326: Line 344:
["ksh-x-colog"] = "Colognian", -- article is Colognian; ksh (Kölsch) redirects there
["ksh-x-colog"] = "Colognian", -- article is Colognian; ksh (Kölsch) redirects there
["la-x-medieval"] = "Medieval Latin",
["la-x-medieval"] = "Medieval Latin",
["la-x-new"] = "New Latin",
["lmo-x-milanese"] = "Milanese", -- lmo in IANA is Lombard; Milanese is a dialect
["mis-x-ripuar"] = "Ripuarian", -- replaces improper use of ksh in wp_languages
["mis-x-ripuar"] = "Ripuarian", -- replaces improper use of ksh in wp_languages
["prg-x-old"] = "Old Prussian",
["sem-x-ammonite"] = "Ammonite",
["sem-x-aramaic"] = "Aramaic",
["sem-x-canaan"] = "Canaanite languages",
["sem-x-dumaitic"] = "Dumaitic",
["sem-x-egurage"] = "Eastern Gurage",
["sem-x-hatran"] = "Hatran Aramaic",
["sem-x-oldsoara"] = "Old South Arabian",
["sem-x-palmyren"] = "Palmyrene Aramaic",
["sem-x-proto"] = "Proto-Semitic",
["sem-x-proto"] = "Proto-Semitic",
["sem-x-taymanit"] = "Taymanitic",
["sla-x-proto"] = "Proto-Slavic", -- sla in IANA is Slavic languages
["sla-x-proto"] = "Proto-Slavic", -- sla in IANA is Slavic languages
["yuf-x-hav"] = "Havasupai", -- IANA name for these three is Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai
["yuf-x-hav"] = "Havasupai", -- IANA name for these three is Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai
["yuf-x-wal"] = "Walapai",
["yuf-x-wal"] = "Walapai",
["yuf-x-yav"] = "Yavapai",
["yuf-x-yav"] = "Yavapai",
["xsc-x-pontic"] = "Pontic Scythian", -- xsc in IANA is Scythian
["xsc-x-saka"] = "Saka",
["xsc-x-sarmat"] = "Sarmatian",

Line 344: Line 377:

local article_name = {
local article_name = {
['kue'] = "Kuman language (New Guinea)", -- Kuman (Papua New Guinea); to avoid Kuman dab page
["lij"] = "Ligurian (Romance language)", -- Ligurian; see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
["lij"] = "Ligurian (Romance language)", -- Ligurian; see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
['mbo'] = "Mbo language (Cameroon)", -- Mbo (Cameroon)
['mnh'] = "Mono language (Congo)", -- Mono (Democratic Republic of Congo); see Template_talk:Lang#Mono_languages
['mnh'] = "Mono language (Congo)", -- Mono (Democratic Republic of Congo); see Template_talk:Lang#Mono_languages
['mnr'] = "Mono language (California)", -- Mono (USA)
['mnr'] = "Mono language (California)", -- Mono (USA)
['mru'] = "Mono language (Cameroon)", -- Mono (Cameroon)
['mru'] = "Mono language (Cameroon)", -- Mono (Cameroon)
['qwm'] = "Kuman (Russia)", -- Kuman (Russia); to avoid Kuman dab page
["snq"] = "Sangu language (Gabon)", -- Sangu (Gabon)
["toi"] = "Tonga language (Zambia and Zimbabwe)",                          -- Tonga (Zambia and Zimbabwe); to avoid Tonga language dab page
["xlg"] = "Ligurian (ancient language)", -- see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
["xlg"] = "Ligurian (ancient language)", -- see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
["zmw"] = "Mbo language (Congo)", -- Mbo (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Line 495: Line 534:
['gu'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['gu'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['hi'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['hi'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['hno'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['inc'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['inc'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['kn'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['kn'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
Line 507: Line 547:
['or'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['or'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['pa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['pa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['pnb'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['raj'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['raj'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['sa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['sa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
Line 512: Line 553:
['sd'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['sd'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['si'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['si'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['skr'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['ta'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['ta'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['tcy'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
['tcy'] = 'ISO 15919 Indic',
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