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Mr. George Flecker, who was well known in Adelaide for many years as the lessee of the Theatre Royal and South Australian Club Hotels, died at Neutral Bay, Sydney, on Sunday at the age of 66 years. Mr. Flecker had not been in business for a number of years, having leased the South Australian Hotel after it was rebuilt and the "Club" had been dropped, to the late Mr. E. Alexander, whose trustees still occupy the premises. Mr. Flecker resided for a number of years after his retirement at Henley Beach, where he owned a considerable number of houses on the Esplanade. The original building of the South Australian Club was the business house of the old Bank of South Australia, and when Mr. Flecker took possession of the premises he converted the banking chamber into a saloon. The place soon became one of the most popular hotels in Adelaide on account of the excellent manner in which it was managed and the pure quality of the liquor dispensed there, and before many years had passed Mr. Flecker, who had acquired the freehold of the property, spent thousands of pounds on the erection of the additions, which have resulted in the South Australian being regarded as the leading hotel now in South Australia. The deceased gentleman had been in poor health for a number of years. He has left a widow, four sons, and one daughter.. <ref>{{cite news |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title= Personal|url= |work= The Advertiser |location=Adelaide, South Australia |date=9 February 1909 |access-date=}}</ref></blockquote>
Mr. George Flecker, who was well known in Adelaide for many years as the lessee of the Theatre Royal and South Australian Club Hotels, died at Neutral Bay, Sydney, on Sunday at the age of 66 years. Mr. Flecker had not been in business for a number of years, having leased the South Australian Hotel after it was rebuilt and the "Club" had been dropped, to the late Mr. E. Alexander, whose trustees still occupy the premises. Mr. Flecker resided for a number of years after his retirement at Henley Beach, where he owned a considerable number of houses on the Esplanade. The original building of the South Australian Club was the business house of the old Bank of South Australia, and when Mr. Flecker took possession of the premises he converted the banking chamber into a saloon. The place soon became one of the most popular hotels in Adelaide on account of the excellent manner in which it was managed and the pure quality of the liquor dispensed there, and before many years had passed Mr. Flecker, who had acquired the freehold of the property, spent thousands of pounds on the erection of the additions, which have resulted in the South Australian being regarded as the leading hotel now in South Australia. The deceased gentleman had been in poor health for a number of years. He has left a widow, four sons, and one daughter.. <ref>{{cite news |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title= Personal|url= |work= The Advertiser |location=Adelaide, South Australia |date=9 February 1909 |access-date=}}</ref></blockquote>
From the Australische Zeitung, Wednesday 10 February 1909:
<blockquote>"Regenfall im Januar
Zu Neutral Bay bei Sydney starb am Sonntag im Alter von 66 Jahren Herr Georg Flecker, der vor ungefähr 20 Jahren in Adelaide anlangte und während einer Reihe von Jahren einer der hervorragendsten Hotelbesitzer der Hauptstadt war. Vor mehreren Jahren machte Herr Flecker eine Reise um die Welt".
[Translation by Benjamin Hollister : Rainfall in January - At Neutral Bay near Sydney on Sunday, at the age of 66 years, died Mr Georg Flecker, who arrived in Adelaide about 20 years ago was one of the capital's most distinguished hotel owners for a number of years. Several years ago, Mr. Flecker made a trip around the world.]
<ref>{{cite news |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title= Regenfall im Januar |url= |work= Australische Zeitung |location=Adelaide, South Australia |date=10 February 1909 |access-date=}}</ref></blockquote>

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